Plan miasta Nazza

Nazza - Najnowsze wiadomości:

Man must pay for sending nude photos of ex | Metro - b.../b

Barlock admitted that he had sucked down a dozen Miller Lites and maybe a margarita by the time he returned to his bhotel/b room. He opened the computer file of her poses. Then he created an alias email that appeared to be from her new boyfriend. b..../b Posted by bnazzy/b. January 15, 2008, 9:36PM. and not only has she sent my pictures around through cell phones, she also sent them around using email and she also created a myspace profile with my nudey pictures! ...
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Addio 2007...benvenuto 2008!!

anche e sopratutto dal punto di vista sentimentale...per? poi durante l'estate ci siamo ripresi alla stragrande (vedi l'ungherese Mark... ) per poi tornare nella solita monotonia...cio? il nulla assoluto...Per? se escludiamo il lato ...
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Estate o inverno? Primavera; L'attore pi? bello: Patrick Dempsey; Con chi hai litigato l'ultima volta? Litigato..Mi sono incazzata un po'. COn Nazza ieri sera kmq; C'? qualcuno che conosci e non sopporti? Seh; A chi vuoi pi? bene? ...
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